Got a timely shout-out to share about Enterprise Connect 2020, which is a bit later than usual - at the end of March - but in its usual habitat of Orlando.
The main thing is to draw your attention to this awards program. So, if you don’t know about it, this could be a great opportunity for your company to get some industry-based recognition. There are four categories, plus an overall “best of” award, and formal details are here.
Also, No Jitter’s Beth Schultz has a good post about it here, which also lists the four judges who will be evaluating the entries, and am happy to say that I’m one of them.
Entries close Friday, January 31, so if you’re on the fence, there’s not much time left.
Speaking of time, I should mention that early bird pricing for the conference end this Friday - January 24 - and if you want to save $400, you can use this link to register.
My schedule for Enterprise Connect is filling up, and aside from this judging role, I’ll be doing one of the very first talks during the conference, at 8am on Monday, March 30. My session will be another update on the state of enterprise speech technology, and all the details are here.
You’ll be hearing more about that in the coming weeks, and this morning, in fact, I’m recording a podcast with Beth Schultz as a preview for my talk, so watch for that soon. That will be complemented by a writeup I’ll be doing for my next No Jitter post, which should run early next week.