May Events - Zoom and Verint - Quick Pix

Last week I had back-to-back analyst events in the US, and just wanted to share some photos here. First was Zoom Perspectives in NYC, followed by Verint Analyst Days in Dallas. I’ll be doing a written review of these later this week. Not sure where it will run, but stay tuned.

Also, as a heads-up, I discussed takeaways from these events with my partner Chris Fine on our Watch This Space podcast, which will run next Tuesday, along with my June newsletter. I hope you check those out. Until then, here are some quick pix of mine from last week’s events.

First, Zoom Perspectives in NYC. Below - executive team during Q&A session, Gary Sorrentino, Mahesh Ram

More from Zoom - Jeff Smith, Smita Hashim, and our tour of the MLB studios, a high-profile Zoom customer - very cool

Now, on to Verint Analyst Days in Dallas. Below - Dan Bodner, Jaime Merritt, David Singer

More Verint - event sign, the “CX Automation Matrix” discussion, Jaime with the event-themed cocktails