Enterprise Connect Redux - Roundup of Latest Takeaways

I’ve been doing a steady stream of post mortems this week since returning from Enterprise Connect, and being Friday, I’ll do the expedient thing and tally them here in one convenient spot. Others are still to come, and I’ve already shared these segments below individually on LinkedIn.

You may not have seen these, or haven’t checked them out yet - either way, the main reviews are here in this post. Whatever you care to check out - thank you - and would love to hear your take as well. Here goes…

First up - Telecom Reseller podcast, hosted by Doug Green. We covered a lot of ground, both about the event and bigger picture issues around AI. You can watch either here on LinkedIn, or on Doug’s YouTube channel.

Next one - LinkedIn Live segment with Jeff Pulver. We were both at Enterprise Connect, but our paths didn’t cross, so we compared notes. Also, we looked at the bigger picture as to where AI is going, and parallels to what we both see now between this revolution and with VoIP 20 years ago, where Jeff played a central role in making Internet communications real.

Last, but not least - our BCStrategies roundup. As always, a great mix of analysts and consultants from our circle, so it’s a different dynamic from the 1:1 format of my interviews with Doug and Jeff. This was also done on LinkedIn Live, and as with all of these, I hope you check it out.