Is the Enterprise MoNage-Ready?
/That's the title of my current contribution to the UCStrategies portal, where I've been a UC Expert since 2013. I publish monthly there, plus I participate in our Industry Buzz podcasts regularly. All told, it's the best resource out there for the collaboration space, and after reading my post, I encourage you to explore what else we have on offer.
So, my reference to MoNage is a tech conference run by Jeff Pulver that I've been speaking at a few times recently. The event is rapidly evolving, and is doing a great job staying on the leading edge of chatbots, AI and messaging.
I've also been active with several other industry events lately, and based on all this, my message is about how enterprises should be looking at these technologies, especially for how they can enhance collaboration. Lots of implications across the whole collab ecosystem, and I'd love to hear your thoughts after reading my post.