Next Up - Speaking at Jeff Pulver's MoNage Networking Event in Toronto

For a change, I don't have to travel to speak, and this is actually the first of three events I'll be speaking at over the next few weeks, all in Toronto. That's never happened before, and around this, I have three industry conferences to attend in the US, so I'm a moving target right now.

Busy is good, and I'm happy to support Jeff Pulver as he works to grow his MoNage event - Messaging on the Net - and build community around the emerging space populated by chatbots, AI, machine learning and enterprise messaging.

I spoke at the last MoNage in March (and wrote about it here), and am helping Jeff organize this free event here in Toronto next Tuesday, May 16. I'll be reprising the talk I gave in San Jose along with my colleague Chris Fine, and then Jeff will share his vision for the space and what he's got planned for the next MoNage this October in Boston.

Jeff and I have been promoting the event privately for a while, and registrations have been strong. The space is fairly limited, and hopefully we won't top out, so to make sure you can make it, please register ASAP. All the details are here, including the Eventbrite registration form. Hope to see you there!