Yesterday was pretty full, starting with some VC perspectives and then a keynote from the CTO of the United States, Aneesh Chopra. Pretty heady way to start things off, and from there I've been keeping tabs on the wireless panels I put together for the conference. That run started with Ben Boyd's panel on FCC policy issues around wireless networks. He was followed by Berge Ayvazian and the lively public vs. private networks debate. If you weren't there, you missed a good one. The afternoon closed out with Kat Shoa and another big topic - critical communications infrastructure. I did several posts and tweets about Day 3, so I'll keep this short and share some photos. More to come with Day 4 highlights.
Silicon Valley business models roundtable, led by Chris Hickman

Aneesh Chopra, CTO of the United States

Ben Boyd's wireless policy panel

Berge Ayvazian and the public vs. private networks debate

Kat Shoa's critical communications infrastructure panel