IP Communications Insights is Launched
/So, after reading the press release, I'd love for you to visit our portal, IP Communications Insights, and tell us what you think. We have a newsletter that you can subscribe to, with the first issue posted on the site. We're also launching our own branded industry studies, which we think will fill a growing need for independent analysis at an affordable price point. There's quite a bit more to explore at the portal, so take your time!
And more than anything else, we're trying to give a louder voice and a home for the independent analyst perspective. Marc and I have been doing our own thing for a while now, but together, we think this idea makes sense, and we very much want our portal to be a voice for other independent analysts and thought leaders.
More to come, for sure, but I have to get on my way to eComm now, and maybe I'll see you there, and we can talk more about it.
Technorati tags: IP Communications Insights, Jon Arnold, Marc Robins