Bloggers 1, Rest of World 0
/It took a lot to give up a Sunday afternoon/evening to do this, especially with the Patriots game, but this sure was a fun experience and definitely worthwhile. Got to meet some other interesting bloggers, and it turns out that the guy who got me into this - Rick Spence - came away the big winner. He had the top score of everyone on the show, acing 57 of the 60 questions - way to go Rick! He won a great travel package worth $5,000, and I think the first word out of his mouth was "Disneyland!"
Live TV is such a bizarre experience, and the CBC knows how to do this very well. The show definitely has a fun format, and I can see more of the same for all kinds of variations on the theme - hockey players, gardeners, cops, robbers, etc., etc.
Anyhow, before the show we spent a lot of time hanging around doing nothing, and without the celeb look-alikes, it would have been pretty dull. Not much of a crowd around the cabbies or chefs, but the faux celebs were more than happy to have our attention and preen for the camera on a moment's notice. Why not?
So, here's a taste, courtesy of my Nokia N95.....
A bit like a seating plan at a wedding - nothing left to chance here - turn your gadgets OFF...
Oh, be-have.....
The pride and joy of the UK - Austin, Mick and a not-so-convincing Keith
Mick and Pamela - let's spend...some time together...
Borat and Shania Twain - very nice......
Kiss and their willing starlets - Pamela, Shania, Shakira and Paris - is that hot or what???
The Odd Couple - Man-Cher (and maybe a little bit of Howard Stern on acid) and Drew Cary
Down home country heaven - Elvii - husband and wife Elvis team, and Shania. The King was not happy last night - no peanut butter sandwiches in the dinner buffet....
And the best for last! A healthy dose of reality - Rick Spence, all smiles with the Test the Nation cup awarded to our team. Bloggers rule.......
Technorati tags: Test the Nation, Jon Arnold, J Arnold & Associates, CBC TV