TMC ITExpo - Quick Commentary
/Quickly, colleague Marc Robins had a nice post capturing some feedback on one of the sessions he hosted that I was part of. He actually hosted a series of sessions, of which I got to speak on three. They were a lot of fun, and you can get the gist of what we talked about on his post.
I also moderated two other sessions myself - one on FMC (which was SRO), and the other was on SMB solutions for VoIP. Both had a lot of interest, and the speakers were great. I didn't get to see much in the way of other sessions, I'm afraid, so I can't really comment on how those went.
I have some overall impressions of the show to share still, and hope to get those posted tomorrow. Gotta run...
Technorati tags: TMC ITExpo, Jon Arnold, Marc Robins, J Arnold & Associates