In The Beginning....
/I inherited Frost's VoIP coverage when I joined the firm in February 2001. Telecom hadn't quite gone over the edge yet, but it was getting pretty close. VoIP was new to me then, and within a few weeks, I was sent to attend my first conference, Spring VON 2001 in Phoenix.
I still remember everything about it - the buzz, how new it all was, the buzz, meeting Jeff for the first time, more buzz, seeing an NHL game when it's 95 degrees outside, some more buzz, and seeing the Commitments at Jeff's party. Still have the shoulder bag - I wonder what that might get on ebay some day?
I've been covering VoIP ever since for Frost, and I give them credit for sticking with it through good and bad times, as many other analyst firms cut back or dropped their coverage altogether. However, I've reached a point where I had to move on, and here I am.
I left Frost at the end of this February and have gone back to my roots in independent consulting. Frost's VoIP coverage remains strong, and they'll continue to do good work in this space(
And so concludes the IP book of Genesis, at least in my world.
Welcome to my blog!
This is my very first blog entry, and I'm grateful to Jeff for giving me this forum to share my views on IP, and hopefully generate some thought provoking discourse.
Going forward, I'll be posting things from a variety of perspectives. I'm still an analyst at heart, and will comment regularly on developments in the IP sector. Look for my thoughts in my next posting about Kagoor, who was just acquired by Juniper ( This is just one of many dominoes that will fall as the IP landscape goes through rapid consolidation this year, and maybe next.
Being based in Toronto, I'll be commenting regularly on the Canadian IP scene, which is distinct from the US, but exciting in its own way. Of course, with Voice on the Net Canada coming here next month, I'll be doing my share to keep Canada in the limelight (
I'll also use this blog as diary of my media citings, so this will be a good place to track where I'm talking to the press.
Finally, as my blogging skills develop, I'll build up my links to share with you other blogs and industry resources that I find useful. Along the way, I'll inevitably slip in connections to the other passions in my life, such as the Red Sox, blues, jazz, classic rock, piano, guitar, cinema, comedy, and good writing. And - the occasional posting from my kids, who I think have a lot to say about how technology is shaping their lives, and ultimately ours.
And of course, I very much welcome your comments - and I do write back!