Speaking Engagements
Topics can also include threats/opportunities facing your business, emerging value propositions/business models, competitive landscape, and success strategies for adopting new technologies. These can be tailored for a variety of audiences, such as executive management, sales/marketing teams, channel partners or end users/decision-makers for road shows, open houses, conferences, etc.
Recent examples in carousel below, and following that, some video segments for watching (most of these presentations are available upon request).

Below - Video Segments of Recent JAA Speaking Engagements
Enterprise Connect Virtual, August 2020
A replay of my presentation below is available until the end of 2020 - but only for registered attendees - so you’ll need to log in to access it. Failing that, another option is to contact me, and I can show you the replay by sharing my screen.
2. Cloud Conventions, May 2020
Click here to access and view my presentation from the event website.
3. Enterprise Connect, March 2019
My presentation was recorded in full, but the camera only captured the slides. To view, mouse over the slide image below, and the video will play. While you can hear me speaking, you can only see the slides, not me. NOTE - for some reason, the wrong version was uploaded to their system, and in the video, the cover slide is dated 2018, but this presentation was given in March 2019.
Speaking Photos from Recent Events
SCTC Annual conference, november 2021